This way you can have a stress-free move

This way you can have a stress-free move

Planning and coordinating a move can be very stressful and nerve-wracking. Tasks such as changing addresses and contracts, visiting the furniture store and visiting the construction site add up and take up time. When planning a move, it is important not to get discouraged by the many tasks - you can do this with the right and early preparation. Nothing stands in the way of the perfect start for your new four walls. Packing the moving boxes is one of the most time-consuming steps and is therefore often delayed. Time-consuming or not, packing is important and with the right system you will quickly succeed in tidying up in your new home.

Organizacja przeprowadzki
Organizacja przeprowadzki

Packing correctly means clearing out beforehand. Because the less material has to be carried, the faster the move goes. Unpacking will also be much easier for you when you've cleared it out. In this case, less is clearly more.

Today's consumer society has reached a current high from which we find it difficult to escape. In economically good countries, we have practically grown into this situation. As a result, things accumulate in every household that we don't actually need (anymore) and sooner or later we sell or dispose of. It doesn't always have to be your own negligence to blame. We are often given things that we don't like, that we probably don't use at all, and accordingly don't use them. For this reason, you should diligently muck out before packing.

Chowanie rzeczy podczas przeprowadzki
Chowanie rzeczy podczas przeprowadzki

First, determine which categories will no longer be needed or will only be needed to a small extent until the move. Be it the books, seasonal clothes or the office - that's where you start decluttering, so anything you want to keep can go straight into a box. Always remember to start decluttering early, but only piece by piece. Doing too much is usually counterproductive for motivation. But meanwhile be strict and muck out without "much" thinking.

After you declutter

Put the things you want to keep, organized by category, right into a moving box. If it is still needed before the move, put it back in an orderly manner. Label the moving boxes with the contents so that they can be placed directly in the appropriate room when moving house. This simplifies unpacking and the overview is already as good as possible.

What happens to everything you no longer want? The thought of "throwing away" often makes you feel guilty. Of course, not everything has to be thrown in the trash. Giving away or selling and even earning money with it are modern alternative solutions.

Sposób na przeprowadzkę
Sposób na przeprowadzkę

Clearing away with a system

Basically, the amount of things in combination with the available options (e.g. shelves) decides how something is practical, suitable for everyday use and sustainable. What can always be considered:

  • Keep things from the same categories together in the same place
  • Classify according to frequency of use
  • For deep cupboards, work with boxes to make things easier to reach. If you buy containers, then measure the space provided for them for the time being.
  • Label boxes
  • Observe the best-before date for food and care products

Moving boxes or plastic boxes?

Well, in principle, moving boxes are completely sufficient. These are cheaper - often even found second-hand for free. If you no longer need them after you move, you're sure to find buyers. If you still want to keep them, they don't take up much space as they are foldable. Nevertheless, we recommend; think about what goes where in the new home. Folders that end up in the basement are sensibly collected directly in a plastic box, where they can then stay in there. In general, it makes sense to put everything that is stored in a box in a box immediately after clearing it out. It not only makes moving easier for you, but also moving in.

Moving is also a new opportunity
Your own four walls should neither overwhelm you nor cause stress. The more material things we own, the more strength, time and energy are stolen from us. Radical decluttering takes effort, but feels great afterwards. Away with the ballast - the perfect start in the new home.

Plastikowe pudełka do przeprowadzki
Plastikowe pudełka do przeprowadzki